What is $VOVI?

$VOVI is an ERC-20 utility token within the Voxel Ville universe. $VOVI can be used as prizes for events within the community, and soon will be redeemable on the upcoming Voxel Ville Market for things like whitelist offerings and other listings curated by the Voxel Ville team.

What is $VOVI?

$VOVI is an ERC-20 utility token within the Voxel Ville universe. $VOVI can be used as prizes for events within the community, and soon will be redeemable on the upcoming Voxel Ville Market for things like whitelist offerings and other listings curated by the Voxel Ville team.


What is wallet linking?

What is wallet linking?

Wallet linking allows users to interact with assets stored on wallets that are not actively connected to the site. For example, users can link their cold and hot wallets, then going forward they can interact with the Voxel Ville assets on both wallets using just the hot one, without having to connect the cold one anymore! This allows users to keep their assets secure on cold wallets while still being able to interact with them. Users can link as many wallets as they would like and interact with their assets using any linked wallet.

Wallet linking allows users to interact with assets stored on wallets that are not actively connected to the site. For example, users can link their cold and hot wallets, then going forward they can interact with the Voxel Ville assets on both wallets using just the hot one, without having to connect the cold one anymore! This allows users to keep their assets secure on cold wallets while still being able to interact with them. Users can link as many wallets as they would like and interact with their assets using any linked wallet.


How do I earn $VOVI?

$VOVI can be earned by staking Voxel Ville Plots and Avatars. Each plot has a base rate of $VOVI that it earns per day, and Avatars can be staked alongside them to multiply their $VOVI yield. Staking is non-custodial, meaning that all your NFTs remain in your wallet even when staked, with the staking contract tracking the status of each asset.

How do I earn $VOVI?

$VOVI can be earned by staking Voxel Ville Plots and Avatars. Each plot has a base rate of $VOVI that it earns per day, and Avatars can be staked alongside them to multiply their $VOVI yield. Staking is non-custodial, meaning that all your NFTs remain in your wallet even when staked, with the staking contract tracking the status of each asset.


What does "🎁  ELIGIBLE" mean?

What does "🎁  ELIGIBLE" mean?

To show our appreciation for our holders, all plots are eligible to claim a one-time $VOVI bonus equivalent to 30 days worth of their normal yield when they are first claimed or unstaked. Bonus availability is denoted by the "🎁  ELIGIBLE" label present over the image. When you stake an eligible plot, it will then be labeled with the bonus amount you are entitled to when you claim it. Once the bonus has been claimed, this label will disappear and subsequent claims will simply collect the $VOVI earned through normal yield without any added bonus. This bonus is available ONCE per plot, meaning that one cannot purchase a plot on secondary and claim the bonus if someone else has already done so.

To show our appreciation for our holders, all plots are eligible to claim a one-time $VOVI bonus equivalent to 30 days worth of their normal yield when they are first claimed or unstaked. Bonus availability is denoted by the "🎁  ELIGIBLE" label present over the image. When you stake an eligible plot, it will then be labeled with the bonus amount you are entitled to when you claim it. Once the bonus has been claimed, this label will disappear and subsequent claims will simply collect the $VOVI earned through normal yield without any added bonus. This bonus is available ONCE per plot, meaning that one cannot purchase a plot on secondary and claim the bonus if someone else has already done so.


Can I check if a plot's bonus has been claimed?

Input plot ID to check bonus:

Bonus: -

Can I check if a plot's bonus has been claimed?

Input plot ID to check bonus:

Bonus: -